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Fraud is a deceptive or deceitful act that causes one person to receive a benefit that they are not entitled to, while depriving another person of something.
Read moreEvery year, thousands of Australians are affected by fraud. Frauds and scams are wide-spread, which means we all need to be careful.
Read moreIdentity theft scams happen when criminals hijack a person's identity by obtaining their information and applying for credit cards or loans.
Learn moreScammers can take advantage of people in a variety of ways. While some might be easy to spot, others are so sneaky you may not know you have been scammed until it’s too late. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Here are the different types of scams to look out for.
We have employed a wide range of security measures to help protect your personal information and transactions.
Read moreBy taking some basic precautions you can reduce the likelihood that you will fall victims to their scams.
Read moreOur credit and debit cards come with security features that help protect your information.
Read moreKnowing what to look out for is one of the many preventative measures to stop fraud and scams from happening to you.
Read more