myQ May 2023

Banking where it matters

Welcome to the latest edition of MyQ. In this edition you'll find an important update from our Executive Chair, Rodney Watson, as well as information on recruitment scams and how to protect your privacy. You'll also find helpful articles on how to best prepare for an overseas trip and find out if life insurance in your super is enough.

Scroll down to read more of MyQ May.

Featured articles

Qudos Bank Director Rodney Watson

A message from your Executive Chair

Rodney Watson provides an update on interest rate rises, how your money is protected by the Australian deposit guarantee, as well as our latest industry awards.

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Qudos Bank's Chief Risk Officer Antar Chahine

Latest scams and tips on protecting your privacy

Antar, our Chief Risk Officer, provides an update on recruitment scams and shares tips on how to protect your privacy.

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Heading overseas? Get organised with this travel checklist

Updates from the Executive Group

Qudos Bank's former Chief Information Officer, David Bridges

Set up travel notifications and the latest Mobile App updates

Dave, our Chief Information Officer, gives tips on how to set up travel notifications and the latest Mobile App updates to help you bank on-the-go.

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Qudos Bank's Executive Human Resources Wendy Hadenham

Look after your mental health with these tips

Wendy, our Executive Manager in Human Resources, shares some helpful tips on how to look after your mental health like setting boundaries, prioritising your health, and more.

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Watch our latest video on Catherine, one of our Lending Specialists who works across our Branch Network. Learn more about her journey and how she assists our customers with their home lending needs.

Younger male sitting at a table with a laptop looking at his credit card and mobile phone

The pros and cons of buy now pay later services

Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of buy now pay later services in our latest article.

More myQ May

Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
Qudos Bank at AIPA Annual Dinner 2023

In the Community

Catch up on the latest community update regarding the HARS' project and the AIPA 2023 Dinner.

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Qudos Bank Staff member

How our employees look after their wellbeing

We asked some of our employees to share their best tips on how they actively look after their wellbeing.

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Family sitting on the couch with children eating popcorn

Life Insurance in your it enough?

Find out the difference between having life insurance within and outside of super, and some pros and cons of coverage through superannuation in our latest Life Insurance blog written by NobleOak.

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