Vote 'Yes' to create a better, stronger customer-owned bank for members. Your vote is important.

Voting opens soon

The Board of Qudos Bank unanimously recommends that you vote ‘Yes’ for the merger

The proposed merger is a proactive, strategic choice by the Board to ensure the history and service ethos of Qudos Bank can be maintained and enhanced for members well into the future.

Why vote 'Yes' to the Merger

There will be access to a larger branch network and no branch closures

Banking products, including Qantas Points products, will be retained

There will be a wider range of products and a number of reduced fees and charges

We will remain 100% customer-owned

Your account details and how you bank with us will stay the same

100% Australian based employees and contact centre

Why are we proposing to merge?

Our merger with Bank Australia is a proactive strategy, aimed to increase our collective impact, enhance our levels of service and maintain competitive products for members. We want to build a strong future for our bank so we can continue to serve our members for another 65 years and beyond.

  • There will be access to a larger branch network and no branch closures
  • Banking products, including Qantas Points products, will be retained
  • There will be a wider range of products and a number of reduced fees and charges.

Watch our Merger Member Event Recap

Last month we held in-person merger events with hundreds of members attending to hear directly from our leadership team and ask important questions about the proposed merger.

We know that many of our members were unable to attend an in-person event and that's why we’re sharing the recap for you here.

A Member Information Booklet will be available when voting opens

Soon the Member Information Booklet containing important details of the proposed Merger of Qudos Bank and Bank Australia will be available.

  • Why Bank Australia
  • Merger pros and cons
  • Financials
  • FAQs
  • Shared vision
  • Effects of the merger
  • Member benefits
  • Branch network
  • Your Banking with Qudos Bank remains the same

The information provided should be reviewed in detail and aims to assist members in deciding how to vote on the Merger Resolution at the Special General Meeting.

About Bank Australia

From our shared history credit unions supporting key industry sectors and communities since the 1950s, to our current status as two of Australia's leading customer-owned banks, a successful merger will bring together our combined legacies and ongoing commitment to customer ownership.

Like Qudos Bank, Bank Australia:

  • is 100% customer-owned, meaning profits are reinvested back in the form of competitive rates and fair fees.
  • operate 100% Australian-based contact centres, providing local employment and local knowledge to members.
  • is committed to competitive products, personalised service and secure digital banking technology.
  • contributes to a range of community and environmental initiatives, creating positive impact.
  • has achieved plenty of awards from Finder, Canstar, Money Magazine, Mozo, Product Review and Rate City.
Learn more about Bank Australia

Online Member Event - Monday 24 March 2025

Join our CEO, Brendan Wright, and Bank Australia's Managing Director, Damien Walsh, for an open discussion on the proposed merger.

Date: Monday, 24 March 2025

Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM AEDT

Location: Online

Your voice matters - don’t miss this opportunity to have your say.

When voting opens

You will be able to cast your own vote

You will need your membership number and postcode

Or appoint a proxy

You can appoint a proxy of your choice or appoint the Chair.

Attend the SGM

You can attend and vote at the SGM in person or online.

Merger FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions from our members. Haven't found what you're looking for? Send us your question using the form below and we'll add the response to the page for the benefit of all our members.

Will both brands be retained?

While the Merged Bank’s company name will be Bank Australia Limited, both the Qudos Bank and Bank Australia brands will continue to operate from day one including how members engage with the Qudos Bank brand channels. As a customer-owned bank, in the event of a review of the names used by the Merged Bank in the future members will be engaged for their views.

While our name has evolved over the years, our commitment to serving our members has remained the same. Asa customer-owned bank this commitment is unwavering. This merger isn’t about changing who we are—it’s about strengthening our ability to invest in the technology, products, and services that make banking easier and more rewarding for our members.

Is this a takeover?

No, this is a true merger of equals reflected in the balanced representation from both banks across both the Board (the current Chair of Qudos Bank, Jennifer Dalitz will be Chair of the Board of the merged group) and executive level with head offices in both Collingwood (VIC) and Mascot (NSW).

The decision to merge is a proactive strategy by the Board of Qudos Bank, and after careful consideration, we believe Bank Australia is the ideal merger partner because of the strong alignment of both banks’ values, culture and purpose. This merger represents a long term, forward-thinking strategy that builds on our shared commitment to providing better value for members now and into the future. By combining our strengths and upholding our values, we will continue to operate as a customer-owned bank.

How will this impact my home loan, term deposit or Qantas accounts?

Should the merger proceed,accounts and products held by members of each bank will continue on existingterms and conditions. Plus, as a result of the merger there will be savings formembers via a number of reduced fees and charges across the product range. Productsearning Qantas Frequent Flyer points will remain.

There will be no changes to interest rates on savings, term deposits, loans and Retirement Savings Accounts as a direct result of the merger. Interest rates on deposit and loan products will stay the same on day 1 of the Merged Bank. Competition laws prevent the two banks from discussing interest rate pricing prior to a successful member vote. Should the proposed merger be approved by members, variable rate products will be harmonised in due course and fixed rate products will be harmonised post-maturity. This will be undertaken by adopting the principle of ‘best of both banks’ and to ensure that members are better off overall.

What does this mean for me and my accounts?

As a Qudos Bank member yourmember number, account numbers and BSB will not change on day 1 of the Merger.You will continue to access your accounts through the same Qudos Bank brandchannels including internet banking, app, and contact centre channels, and keepusing your existing debit, credit cards and digital wallets following the Merger.

Will existing employees retain their positions?

There will be no non-executive job losses or forced redundancies due to the Merger. We need our people more than ever, and everyone has a role to play now and in the Merged Bank. The Merger will create more opportunities for our people to develop their skills and grow their careers.

We're pleased to say our employees including the contact centre and lending teams will remain 100% Australian based. This merger is not about cutting jobs or reducing service to satisfy the financial demands of investors. It is about ensuring that we can keep delivering for members well into the future as a proudly 100% customer owned bank.

How will the merger benefit members?

The benefits to members of a combined Qudos Bank and Bank Australia include:

  •  No branch closures as a result of the merger, with 10 additional branches available to Qudos Bank Members compared to today, including CBD branches in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra.
  • 15 branches across New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and the ACT with customer service support for customers of both banks from the first day of combined operations.
  • Access to a wider range of products and services, with savings for members across a number of reduced fees and charges from day 1 of the Merged Bank.
  • Qantas Frequent Flyer products will be retained.
  • No changes to members current accounts or howthey bank with us on day 1, and no changes to interest rates on products as aresult of the merger. (Variable loan rates remain subject to changes in linewith the official cash rate and market conditions).
  • Increased capacity and greater investment inimproved customer experience, with contact centre and lending teams acrossSydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and the Latrobe Valley.
  • Commitment to enhanced digital experience toelevate customer service levels further, including increased investment incybersecurity and fraud/scam prevention.
  • Alignment of products and integration oftechnology systems are expected, over time, to provide access to new productsand improve the experience for members.
  • Increased capacity to invest in community,social and environmental impact initiatives for people and the planet.
  • Expanded public commitment to purpose driven banking via impact lending and investments.
  • Up to 4% of annual after-tax profit committed to an impact fund to support communities and the planet.
  • Commitment to explore opportunities to improve business banking products and services for small and medium enterprises.
  • No executive or sales incentive based employee bonuses ensuring we act in your interest not our own.
Will I still be a member?

Qudos Bank members will ceaseto be Qudos Bank members and will automatically become members of BankAustralia and will be issued a new share in Bank Australia with the same rightsas other members.

Does the proposed merger require regulatory and member approval?

The proposed merger is currently being reviewed by the Australian Government banking regulators including the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). APRA is responsible for ensuring that customers and the banking industry are protected. Its approval and 75% of votes cast by members being in favour of the proposed merger resolution is required before the merger can proceed.

Is Bank Australia guaranteed by the Australian Government in case of financial collapse?

Bank Australia is an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI), just like Qudos Bank. Bank Australia meet the same strict standards as all Australian banks which are set out in the Banking Act 1959 and overseen by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). APRA’s rules on safety and capital that apply to banks apply to Bank Australia. This means Bank Australia is covered by the Financial Claims Scheme in the same way as Qudos Bank. Under the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme (FCS), certain deposits are protected up to a limit of $250,000 for each account holder per ADI. For more information visit

Will I still be able to withdraw cash from ATMs?

Members will still enjoy free access to Qudos Bank ATMs as well as ATMs operated by the four major banks (CBA, ANZ, NAB, Westpac).  Please note both Major and independent ATM networks may charge a fee for cash withdrawals and balance enquiries in some instances.

Members will be able to continue getting cash out when making a purchase via EFTPOS at selected retailers.

Another convenient way to make fee free cash withdrawals is by visiting one of over 3,300 participating Post Offices across Australia that offers Bank@Post services.

What our members are saying

"I am very concerned we are continuing to lose products and benefits as Qantas Credit Union has just become another bank"
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
Members will benefit from the merged bank’s ‘best of both’ approach to products and services, which is designed to ensure that members are ‘better off overall’ as a result of the merger. Plus, there will be opportunity to access new products in the future from the investment that comes from being a larger bank.
"Please make a branch available in the CBD Sydney"
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
We're proud to say there will be no branch closures as a result of the proposed merger, with additional access to a Sydney CBD branch from day one. The merged bank will offer a wider branch network with 15 branches across New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and the ACT.
"I don't really understand why we need to merge. I worry for the Qudos staff in retaining their positions."
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
The reason we’re merging is to ensure we continue to serve our members, by investing to remain a better bank well into the future. Thank you for thinking of our people - they are the key to delivering for our members. The merged entity aims to retain all Qudos Bank staff and offer more career development and learning opportunities. There will be no forced redundancies.
"Who instigated the proposed merger? Australia Bank or Qudos Bank?  
It is NOT a merger of equals. Australia Bank is twice the size of Qudos Bank."
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
Qudos Bank has led a proactive strategy to find the right merger partner given the reality of industry consolidation. Yes, Bank Australia has a larger membership base and assets, however alignment of values, leadership and culture were the most important factors. The Board of the merged bank will include equal representation from both banks, as will the executive team.
"Having joined QF Credit Union shortly after joining QF in 1969, I would like to know if Qudos members will have a say in the new name? I’m not happy about losing any connection to original QF Cr. Union!"
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
The merged bank will retain and operate under both brands from day 1. Our 65 year history and heritage, including connection to Qantas and Qantas Staff Credit Union is important to us and our members. Current Qudos Bank Board member Barry Jackson, currently a Qantas A380 Captain and Qudos Bank member since 1987, will remain on the Board of the merged bank.
"One of the things I value about Qudos bank is the fact that all telephone conversations are with Australians who are employees of the bank...I would hate to lose that connection if the two banks merged into a single entity, and decided to move such contact off-shore in the interests of economy."
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
We love that you value your personal connection with our Australian based team members! We're pleased to say the merged bank will have increased capacity to invest in continuing to enhance customer experience, with contact centre and lending teams across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and the Latrobe Valley. There are no plans to move contact centre staff offshore.
"Curious to know why there was no member surveys carried prior to reaching this point. The story so far leaves a lot of up in the air scenarios as to the Qudos brand "remaining" or lost in history just like "The Qantas Credit Union name" changed to "Qudos Bank"
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
Earlier this year, we invited members to participate in focus groups to help us understand their thoughts about a proposed merger. This feedback was truly invaluable. We recognise the unwavering loyalty of our founding members and the strong connection to our heritage with Qantas and Qantas Staff Credit Union. The merged bank will retain the Qudos Bank brand from day 1.
"What will happen if the merger is not approved by members"
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
Mergers are an increasing reality in the customer-owned banking sector. While we are financially strong and experiencing strong member and lending growth, this merger is a proactive strategy to ensure sustainability well into the future. If not approved by members, it will become increasingly difficult to provide a competitive alternative to the major banks.
"Will products offering Qantas points still be available if the merger goes ahead?"
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
Yes, absolutely! There will be no changes to current products offered to existing Qudos Bank members (including Qantas Points earning products) immediately following completion of the merger.
"Will members get shares in Bank Australia?"
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
Qudos Bank members will automatically become members of Bank Australia and will be issued a new share.
"There is a lot about the advantages of a merger; yet, I see nothing about the consequences. As with all major business changes, I would expect disadvantages. Please provide a balanced assessment to members, so that their decision is informed and not misguided by only positive-centric marketing.”
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
This is a great point – there are pros and cons to every decision. We will publish a Member Information Booklet with detailed information outlining key terms of the merger, including both the ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ for members. Members should read this booklet carefully before making a decision about how to vote on the Merger Resolution in mid-2025.
"What happens to your shares in Qantas Staff credit union purchased during original member commencement?"
Qudos Bank branded bubble trio
Qudos Bank members will receive a share in Bank Australia that has the same rights as all other members and their shares in Qudos Bank will be cancelled, with any paid amount refunded.

In the media

Qudos Bank branch at Miranda to remain open under proposed merger

The Qudos Bank branch at Miranda will remain open if a proposed merger with Bank Australia goes ahead.

Murray Trembath, The Leader, 4 March 2025

Learn more

'More mergers ahead’

Australia’s small banks must get bigger to compete against the majors, and the head of one challenger believes the mutual sector could be reduced to just 10 contenders in a decade as mergers increase.

David Ross, The Australian, 15 Jan, 2025

Learn more

Customer-owned banks can lift competition

Less than a decade after their much-heralded arrival on the Australian banking scene, all indications are our neobanks are dead.

Brendan Wright, The Australian, 15 Jan, 2025

Learn more

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We value your opinion about the merger and we'll be listening.

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